
JackMa留言 | 贡献2024年7月1日 (一) 14:41的版本





国家或地区 合法性
欧盟 欧盟没有颁布任何特别针对比特币作为货币地位的法规,但规定了传统(法定)货币与比特币之间兑换不征收增值税/营业税。


2015 年 10 月,欧洲联盟法院裁定,“将传统货币兑换成单位的 ‘比特币’ 虚拟货币免征增值税”,并且“成员国应当免除与 ‘用作法定货币的货币、钞票和硬币’ 相关的交易”,这使得比特币成为一种货币,而非商品。根据法官的说法,不应该对比特币征税,因为它应该被视为一种支付手段。


欧洲中央银行将比特币归类为一种可兑换的去中心化虚拟货币。2014 年 7 月,欧洲银行管理局建议欧洲银行在监管制度到位之前不要交易比特币等虚拟货币。

2016 年,欧洲议会提出了设立一个专责小组监控虚拟货币以打击洗钱和恐怖主义的提案,该提案以 542 票赞成、51 票反对、11 票弃权的结果获得通过,并提交给欧洲委员会审议。

2022 年 1 月,欧洲证券和市场管理局副主席 Erik Thedéen 呼吁欧盟禁止工作量证明加密挖矿,转而支持权益证明模式并应对气候变化。

G7 合法
在 2013 年,七国集团的金融行动特别工作组 (FATF) 在可能适用于传输比特币和其他货币的公司指引中发布了以下声明,“允许来自匿名来源的第三方资金的互联网支付服务可能会面临更高的[洗钱/恐怖融资]风险”。他们总结道,这可能会给各国在 [反洗钱/打击恐怖主义融资] 监管和监督方面带来“挑战”。



国家或地区 合法性
阿尔及利亚 不合法


埃及 不合法
埃及的达尔·伊夫塔(Dar al-Ifta),即埃及主要的伊斯兰立法机构,发布了一项宗教法令,将比特币的商业交易定为哈拉姆(即伊斯兰教法下的禁止行为)。
摩洛哥 不合法




国家或地区 合法性
尼日利亚 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用

之后,尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)和尼日利亚存款保险公司(NDIC)成立了一个委员会,研究该国采用比特币和其他数字货币背后的区块链技术的可能性。委员会已经提交了报告,但据CBN银行与支付系统部主任Dipo Fatokun先生称,“几个子委员会仍在研究该问题。”



国家或地区 合法性
坦桑尼亚 法律允许 / 央行不鼓励使用
中非共和国 合法

东南非 / 非洲之角 / 印度洋国家

国家或地区 合法性
毛里求斯 合法


国家或地区 合法性
安哥拉 合法
南非 合法
纳米比亚 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
津巴布韦 未知



国家或地区 合法性
加拿大 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用



魁北克省的金融监管机构Autorité des marchés financiers(AMF)已声明,一些与比特币相关的商业模式,包括交易所和ATM机,受其现行的MSB法案监管。


美国 合法


如果货币服务业务,包括加密货币交易所、资金传输机构和匿名服务(称为“混合器”或“搅拌器”)在美国进行大量业务,根据金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)主任Kenneth Blanco在2018年的说法,他们需要:

1. 注册为美国FinCEN的货币服务业务

2. 设计并实施反洗钱(AML)计划

3. 保留适当的记录并向FinCEN提交报告,包括可疑活动报告(SARs)和货币交易报告(CTRs)



墨西哥 合法


国家或地区 合法性
哥斯达黎 不被视为货币
萨尔瓦多 合法


尼加拉瓜 截至2014年,未受到监管
截至2014年,尼加拉瓜政府尚未对比特币通过任何法规,中央银行也没有发布相关裁决或指导方针。据《El Nuevo Diario》报导,2014年1月,一名美国银行家曾使用比特币购买了该国的房地产。


国家或地区 合法性
牙买加 合法
特立尼达和多巴哥 合法


国家或地区 合法性
阿根廷 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
根据阿根廷民法典,比特币可能被视为货币,但不是法定货币。比特币可能被视为民法典下的一种物品或者商品,因此与比特币相关的交易可能受民法典下的商品买卖规则约束。2022年5月5日,阿根廷央行禁止金融机构 facilitat 任何与加密货币相关的交易。
玻利维亚 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
巴西 合法
智利 Legal
哥伦比亚 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
厄瓜多尔 持有及交易合法 / 央行禁止作为支付工具
委内瑞拉 持有合法 / 挖矿不合法



国家或地区 合法性
阿富汗 不合法
吉尔吉斯斯坦 合法
乌兹别克斯坦 合法


国家或地区 合法性
阿联酋 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用

在2018年2月13日,迪拜多商品中心宣布,迪拜金商Regal RA DMCC成为中东首家获得加密货币交易许可的公司。DMCC的网站强调了加密货币的冷存储,并指出“DMCC的加密商品交易许可仅限于专有交易。不允许进行首次代币发行(ICO),也不允许在此许可下设立交易所。”


以色列 Legal
沙特阿拉伯 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
约旦 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
黎巴嫩 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
土耳其 合法 / 央行禁止作为支付工具
卡塔尔 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
伊朗 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用


国家或地区 合法性
孟加拉国 不合法
印度 Legal






尼泊尔 不合法
巴基斯坦 Legal



国家或地区 合法性
中华人民共和国 不合法





香港 Legal


日本 Legal


韩国 Legal
台湾 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用

2013 年底,台湾金融监管部门联合央行发布联合声明,警告民众比特币风险,强调其高波动性、投机性以及缺乏法律保障。2014年 1 月,监管部门负责人明确表示,由于比特币并非法定货币,将禁止在台湾安装比特币 ATM 机。


国家或地区 合法性
柬埔寨 合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
印度尼西亚 Legal to trade and hold / 不合法 as payment tool
马来西亚 Legal
2013 年 11 月 4 日,马来西亚国家银行 (BNM) 与当地比特币支持者会面,以了解更多有关该货币的信息,但当时并未发表评论。2014 年 1 月 6 日,马来西亚国家银行发布声明称,比特币在马来西亚不被视为法定货币。央行目前不会监管比特币业务,用户应意识到使用比特币的风险。
菲律宾 Legal
2014年3月6日,菲律宾央行(Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas,BSP)发布了一份关于比特币交易和使用风险的声明。尽管最近菲律宾央行根据《Circular 944》对加密货币交易所进行了合法化和监管,但比特币和其他“虚拟货币”并未被菲律宾央行视为法定货币。菲律宾央行认为,这些货币既不由中央银行发行或保证,也没有任何商品作为支持。
新加坡 Legal

2013 年 9 月 22 日,新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 警告用户使用比特币的相关风险,称“如果比特币停止运营,可能没有可识别的一方负责退还他们的款项或让他们寻求追索权”  ,并于 2013 年 12 月表示“企业是否接受比特币以换取其商品和服务是一项商业决定,MAS 不干预”  2014年1月,新加坡税务局发布了一系列税收指南,根据这些指南,如果比特币交易被用作真实商品和服务的支付方式,则可以将其视为易货交易。与比特币货币兑换打交道的企业将根据其比特币销售额征税。 2019 年 4 月,MAS 将比特币称为《支付服务法》中的数字支付代币。

泰国 Legal to trade and hold / 不合法 as payment tool
泰国的比特币交易所只能将数字货币兑换成泰铢,并且必须持有泰国商业发展部的电子商务许可证。他们还必须根据《规定客户尽职调查规则和程序的部长条例》制定 KYC 和 CDD 政策和程序,参考第 8 页,第 129 卷,第 44 部分,政府公报。

可疑活动必须向反洗钱办公室报告。 自 2022 年 4 月 1 日起,泰国政府不再允许将加密货币用作商品或服务的支付方式。该法规并未禁止拥有或交易加密货币,尽管商业银行已被警告不要直接参与数字资产。

越南 Legal to trade and hold / 不合法 as payment tool
越南国家银行宣布,比特币和其他类似虚拟货币的发行、供应和使用作为支付手段是非法的,将受到1.5亿至2亿越南盾的处罚,  但政府并未禁止比特币作为虚拟商品或资产进行交易。
文莱 Legal to trade and hold
比特币和加密货币在文莱达鲁萨兰国不是法定货币,不受 AMBD(文莱金融管理局)监管。它不受AMBD管理的法律保护。




国家或地区 合法性
奥地利 Legal


克罗地亚 Legal
捷克共和国 Legal


德国 Legal
2013 年 8 月 19 日,德国财政部宣布,比特币现在本质上是一种“记账单位”,可用于该国的税收和交易目的,这意味着用比特币进行的购买必须像欧元交易一样缴纳增值税。据该部称,它不被归类为外币或电子货币,而是“私人货币”,可用于“多边清算圈”。   德国央行表示,比特币不是虚拟货币或数字货币。它建议使用术语“加密令牌”。  

2019 年 11 月,德国议会通过了一项立法,允许银行从 2020 年 1 月 1 日起出售和存储加密货币。

匈牙利 Legal
匈牙利中央银行Magyar Nemzeti银行(MNB)对加密货币发出了几次警告,称它比信用卡等其他电子支付“风险大得多”。
直布罗陀 Legal
早在 2018 年,直布罗陀就成为世界上第一个为使用分布式账本技术的企业提供量身定制的监管框架的国家。  旅行规则是通过 2021 年《2015 年犯罪收益法(虚拟资产转让)条例》实施的,自 2021 年 3 月 22 日起生效。
波兰 Legal
在波兰,目前尚未有法律法规对比特币的使用进行正式的监管。2013年12月18日,波兰财政部的Szymon Woźniak在华沙经济学院的一次会议上发表了关于比特币合法性的官方声明,表示财政部不认为比特币是非法的,并且不希望阻碍其发展。他澄清说,虽然比特币不是非法的,但也不能被视为法定货币,在欧盟指令的背景下,它也不是电子货币。截至2015年1月27日,一些银行关闭了交易比特币的客户账户,并以“犯罪行为的推定”作为原因,其中“犯罪行为”可能是指“加密货币交易”。


模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
As of March 2015, an official statement of the Romanian National Bank mentioned that "using digital currencies as payment has certain risks for the financial system".[1]

In October 2017, the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF) declared that there is a lack of a legislative framework around bitcoin, and therefore, it is unable to create a tax regulation framework for it as well (implying no taxation).[2]

In January 2019, Law nr. 30/2019 clarifies that starting in 2019, income from trading "virtual currency" is classified under "income from other sources". In addition, there is a new subpoint, Article 116. (2) c), specifying that the income tax of 10% is only applied on the "positive difference between the selling price and acquisition price" (and not to the entire received amount from a sale). In addition, profits under 200 RON per transaction that total under 600 RON during a fiscal year are exempt from tax.[3]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
The National Bank of Slovakia (NBS), stated[4] that bitcoin does not have the legal attributes of a currency, and therefore it cannot be considered a currency.模板:Refn European legislation, including the Slovak law, does not define the activities associated with virtual currency. Such activities are not regulated and supervised by the National Bank of Slovakia or the European Central Bank. At the same time NBS points out that any legal person or natural person in the Slovak Republic shall not issue any notes or any other coins. Unlawful manufacturing of banknotes and coins and putting them into circulation is punishable by law. In this context, NBS points out that virtual currencies have not a physical counterpart in the form of legal tender and participation in such a scheme (virtual currency) is at your own risk. Exchanges or purchases of virtual currencies represent the business risk of investors and investors' money are not protected. For any compensation of losses caused by such exchanges or purchases there is no legal entitlement.
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
On 23 December 2013 the Slovenian Ministry of Finance made an announcement[5] stating that bitcoin is neither a currency nor an asset. There is no capital gains tax chargeable on bitcoin, however bitcoin mining is taxed and businesses selling goods/services in bitcoin are also taxed.
Bitcoin businesses in Switzerland are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and in some instances may need to obtain a banking license.[6]

On 5 December 2013, a proposal was put forth by 45 members of the Swiss Parliament for digital sustainability (Pardigli), that calls on the Swiss government to evaluate the opportunities for utilization of bitcoin by the country's financial sector.[7] It also seeks clarification on bitcoin's legal standing with respect to VAT, securities and anti-money laundering laws.[8]

In response to the parliament postulates, the Swiss Federal Council issued a report on virtual currencies in June 2014.[9] The report states that since virtual currencies are not in a legal vacuum, the Federal Council has concluded that there is no need for legislative measures to be taken at the moment.

In 2016, Zug added bitcoin as a means of paying city fees, in a test and an attempt to advance Zug as a region that is advancing future technologies.[10] Swiss Federal Railways, government-owned railway company of Switzerland, sells bitcoins at its ticket machines.[11]

In 2018, FINMA stated that it would take a "balanced approach" towards the cryptocurrency industry and allow "legitimate innovators to navigate the regulatory landscape". By June 2021, a record number of 100 Exchange Traded Products (ETP) and crypto structured products were offered on the SIX Swiss Exchange with a total trading value of CHF 4.6 billion.[12]


国家或地区 合法性
On 21 May 2020, Albania passed a new law to regulate cryptocurrency activities.[13]
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
The Decree On the Development of Digital Economy — the decree of Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus, which includes measures to liberalize the conditions for conducting business in the sphere of high technologies.

The provisions of the decree "On the Development of Digital Economy" create of a legal basis for the circulation of digital currencies and tokens based on blockchain technology, so that resident companies of the High-Tech Park can provide the services of stock markets and exchange offices with cryptocurrencies and attract financing through the ICO. For legal entities, the Decree confers the rights to create and place their own tokens, carry out transactions through stock markets and exchange operators; to individuals the Decree gives the right to engage in mining, to own tokens, to acquire and change them for Belarusian rubels, foreign currency and electronic money, and to bequeath them. Up to 1 Jan In 2023, the Decree excludes revenue and profits from operations with tokens from the taxable base. In relation to individuals, the acquisition and sale of tokens is not considered entrepreneurial activity, and the tokens themselves and income from transactions with them are not subject to declaration. The peculiarity of the introduced regulation is that all operations will have to be carried out through the resident companies of the High-Tech Park.

In addition, the decree includes:

  • Extension of the validity period of the special legal regime of the High-Tech Park until 1 January 2049, and expansion of the list of activities of resident companies. Under the new rules, developers of blockchain-based solutions, developers of machine learning systems based on artificial neural networks, companies from the medical and biotechnological industries, developers of unmanned vehicles, as well as software developers and publishers can become residents. The list of promising areas is unlimited and can be expanded by the decision of the High-Tech Park supervisory board.
  • Preservation of existing benefits for resident companies in the High-Tech Park, including the cancellation of the profit tax (instead of which a contribution of 1% of the gross revenues proceeding to the administration of the park is applied), reduced to 9% of the personal income tax rate for employees, and the right to contribute to the Social Protection Fund according to the national average figures, and not the actual salaries.
  • Exemption of foreign companies providing marketing, advertising, consulting and other services to the residents of the High-Tech Park from paying value-added tax, as well as paying income tax, which allows to promote IT products of Belarusian companies in foreign markets. To encourage investments, the Decree also exempts foreign companies from the tax on income from the alienation of shares, stakes in the authorized capital and shares in the property of residents of the High-Tech Park (under condition of continuous possession of at least 365 days).
  • Introduction of individual English law institutions for residents of the High-Tech Park, which will make it possible to conclude option contracts, convertible loan agreements, non-competition agreements with employees, agreements with responsibility for enticing employees, irrevocable powers of attorney and other documents common in international practice. This measure is aimed at simplifying the structuring of transactions with foreign capital.
  • Simplification of the regime of currency transactions for residents of the High-Tech Park, including the introduction of a notification procedure for currency transactions, the cancellation of the mandatory written form of foreign trade transactions, the introduction of confirmation of the conducted operations by primary documents drawn up unilaterally. Also, the decree removes restrictions on resident companies for transactions with electronic money and allows opening accounts in foreign banks and credit and financial organizations without obtaining permission from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Simplification of the procedure for recruiting qualified foreign specialists by resident companies of the High-Tech Park, including the abolition of the recruitment permit, the simplified procedure for obtaining a work permit, and the visa-free regime for the founders and employees of resident companies with a term of continuous stay of up to 180 days.模板:Citation needed
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
Based on the public decision issued by the Ministry of Finance of Georgia in 2019,[14] crypto, by its very nature, is not "sourced" in any specific geographical location, meaning that it is not considered "Georgian sourced". This type of income would come under the 0% tax on capital gains derived from crypto trading laws.模板:Citation needed
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Ban on mining[15]
In January 2022, coinciding with an energy crisis, Kosovo outlawed all cryptocurrency mining. According to BBC News, cryptocurrency mining "is particularly popular in northern areas of Kosovo, where ethnic Serbs do not recognise the state's independence and refuse to pay electricity bills".[16]
模板:Flag模板:Anchor 挖矿合法 / 央行不鼓励使用
On December 11, 2020, Vladimir Putin ordered public officials to declare any cryptocurrency holdings and digital assets starting from January 1, 2021.[17]

As of 2021, Putin said Russia accepts the role of cryptocurrencies, and that cryptocurrencies can be used for payment.[18]

As of November 2016, bitcoins were "not 不合法" according to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.[19] Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Moiseev said in September 2017 it's "probably 不合法" to accept cryptocurrency payments.[20] However, bitcoin market sites are blocked, and court decisions state that bitcoin is a currency surrogate which is outlawed in the territory of the Russian Federation.[21]

From the point of view of the current Russian legislation, cryptocurrency is a monetary substitute. According to article 27 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)", the issue of monetary surrogates in the Russian Federation is prohibited.[22]

The Central Bank of Russia and Rosfinmonitoring in their informational appeals have repeatedly warned Russian citizens that all operations with cryptocurrency are speculative and carry a high risk of loss of value. The Central Bank of Russia states that: "Most operations with cryptocurrencies are performed outside the legal regulation of both the Russian Federation and most other states. Cryptocurrencies are not guaranteed or provided by the Bank of Russia."[23]

A bill on digital financial assets was introduced in the State Duma on 20 March 2018. It defines cryptocurrency mining as "activities aimed at the creation of cryptocurrency with the purpose of receiving compensation in the form of cryptocurrency." and treats it as an "entrepreneurial activity subject to taxation if the miner exceeds the energy consumption limits established by the government for three months in a row."

In the bill, bitcoins are classified as property and are not considered legal tender. The exchange of cryptocurrency for roubles and foreign currency is allowed but only through licensed operators. The bill also provides a definition of a smart contract.模板:Citation needed

In January 2022, the Central Bank of Russia proposed to ban "all cryptocurrency issuance and operations, stop banks from investing in cryptocurrencies, block exchanging crypto for traditional currency, and introduce legal liability for using crypto in purchases" citing systemic financial risk.[24] According to Bloomberg News and Meduza, the Federal Security Service convinced the Central Bank to ban cryptocurrencies in Russia, as they are used to finance the opposition and independent media.[25][26] In February 2022, the Russian government eventually announced it would support, legalize, and regulate cryptocurrencies, and not ban them.[27]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal / 不合法 to buy with local currency
On 16 March 2022, the president of Ukraine signed the Virtual Asset Bill into law.[28] On 22 April, the Central Bank banned purchasing cryptocurrencies with local currency and made the monthly limit of $3300 for purchases with foreign currencies.[29]


国家或地区 合法性
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
Denmark's Financial Supervisory Authority issued a statement declaring that bitcoin is not a currency and stating that it will not regulate its use.模板:R

On 17 December 2013, Denmark's Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) has issued a statement that echoes EBA's warning. 模板:As of, FSA says that doing business with bitcoin does not fall under its regulatory authority and therefore FSA does not prevent anyone from opening such businesses.[30] FSA's chief legal adviser says that Denmark might consider amending existing financial legislation to cover virtual currencies.[31]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
In Estonia, the use of bitcoins is not regulated or otherwise controlled by the government.模板:R

The Estonian Ministry of Finance have concluded that there is no legal obstacles to use bitcoin-like crypto currencies as payment method. Traders must therefore identify the buyer when establishing a business relationship or if the buyer acquires more than 1,000 euros of the currency in a month.[32]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
The Finnish Tax Administration has issued instructions for the taxation of virtual currencies, including the bitcoin.模板:R[33] Rather than a currency or a security, a bitcoin transaction is considered a private contract equivalent to a contract for difference for tax purposes. Purchases of goods with bitcoin or conversion of bitcoin into legal currency "realizes" the value and any increase in price will be taxable; however, losses are not tax-deductible. Mined bitcoin is considered earned income.[33]

Ruling 034/2014 by the Finnish Central Board of Taxes (CBT) stated that commission fees charged on bitcoin purchases by an exchange market were, under the EU VAT Directive, banking services and therefore VAT exempt. This is because the court classified bitcoins as payment instruments - whereas most countries treat their use as an unregulated method for the exchange of goods, or even as a crime.[34][35]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
According to a 2014 opinion, from the Central Bank of Iceland "there is no authorization to purchase foreign currency from financial institutions in Iceland or to transfer foreign currency across borders on the basis of transactions with virtual currency. For this reason alone, transactions with virtual currency are subject to restrictions in Iceland."[36] This does not stop[37] businesses in Iceland from mining bitcoins.[38] The Icelandic Central Bank confirmed that "it is prohibited to engage in foreign exchange trading with the electronic currency bitcoin, according to the Icelandic Foreign Exchange Act".[39]

On 12 March 2017, the Central Bank amended its rules. With the new rules, wide and general exemptions have been granted from the restrictions of the Foreign Exchange Act No. 87/1992.[40]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
Bank of Lithuania released a warning on 31 January 2014, that bitcoin is not recognized as legal tender in Lithuania and that bitcoin users should be aware of the high risks that come with the usage of it.[41]
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The Norwegian Tax Administration stated in December 2013 that they do not define bitcoin as money but regard it as an asset. Profits are subjected to wealth tax. In business, use of bitcoin falls under the sales tax regulation.[42]

The Norwegian government stated in February 2017 that they would not levy VAT on the purchase or sale of bitcoin.[43]

模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
The Swedish Tax Agency has given a preliminary ruling on Value Added Tax (VAT) on bitcoins, stating that trade in bitcoins is not subject to Swedish VAT, but is instead subject to the Finansinspektionen (Financial Supervisory Authority) regulations and treated as a currency. The decision has been appealed by the Swedish Tax Authority.模板:R

The Swedish jurisdiction is in general quite favorable for bitcoin businesses and users as compared to other countries within the EU and the rest of the world. The governmental regulatory and supervisory body Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) have legitimized the fast growing industry by publicly proclaiming bitcoin and other digital currencies as a means of payment. For certain businesses interacting with fiat (mainly exchanges) the current regulation dictates that an application for approval/license must be filed and all the AML/CTF and KYC regulations applicable to more traditional financial service providers must be followed.


国家或地区 合法性
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
No regulation on the use of bitcoins.
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There is not a single word in Bulgarian laws about bitcoin. People owe 10% tax if they made a profit trading.
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The use of bitcoin is not regulated in Cyprus.模板:R
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No specific legislation on bitcoins exists in Greece.模板:R
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal
Italy does not regulate bitcoin use by private individuals.模板:R
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模板:As of, Malta does not have any regulations specifically pertaining to bitcoins.模板:R In 2017, the country's prime minister Joseph Muscat announced the approval of a national strategy to promote bitcoin and blockchain technology. Muscat specifically addressed the bitcoin blockchain's ability to handle, store and process sensitive data in an immutable and decentralized ecosystem.[44]
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Legal

No specific legislation on bitcoins or cryptocurrency exists in North Macedonia.

In 2016, the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia published a press release regarding an investigation it made into ONECOIN, and discouraged the citizens from investing in it since it was most likely a scam. In the same press release, the NBRM quoted the law on Foreign Exchange Operations, but since cryptocurrencies do not constitute a foreign currency as they are quoted by the law, it leaves them unregulated.[45]

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In 2013, the Bank of Portugal stated that Bitcoin was not a safe currency, as their issuance lacked oversight or prudential requirements. As of 2014, Portugal had no specific legal framework for Bitcoin. 模板:R
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Transactions in bitcoins are subject to the same laws as barter transactions.模板:R


国家或地区 合法性
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In July 2013, the Minister of Finance expressed concerns over the use of Bitcoin for money laundering, but indicated that government intervention did not yet appear necessary.模板:R
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The French Ministry of Finance issued regulations on 11 July 2014 pertaining to the operation of virtual currency professionals, exchanges, and taxation.[46]
模板:Flag模板:Anchor Not regulated by central bank
The Central Bank of Ireland was quoted in Dáil Éireann in December 2013 as stating that it does not regulate bitcoin, and that bitcoin is not legal tender in the European Union.模板:R
The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier has issued a communication in February 2014 acknowledging the status of currency to the bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.[47] The first BitLicence was issued in October 2015.[48]
模板:As of, "alternative virtual currencies" such as bitcoin are not classified as money and do not fall within the scope of the Act on Financial Supervision of the Netherlands.模板:R When dealing with cryptocurrencies one must declare them and pay taxes to the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.[49]
模板:As of, the government of the United Kingdom has stated that bitcoin is unregulated and that it is treated as a 'foreign currency' for most purposes, including VAT/GST.模板:R

Bitcoin is treated as 'private money'. When bitcoin is exchanged for sterling or for foreign currencies, such as euro or dollar, no VAT will be due on the value of the bitcoins themselves. However, in all instances, VAT will be due in the normal way from suppliers of any goods or services sold in exchange for bitcoin or other similar cryptocurrency. Profits and losses on cryptocurrencies are subject to capital gains tax.[50]

In March 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) declared that all cryptocurrency ATMs in the country were 不合法, as none of the ATM's operators had successfully registered with the agency. The FCA cited a failure to comply with know your customer laws, as well as the high risk to customers, due to a lack of regulation and protection.[51][52]



国家或地区 合法性
In December 2013, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) indicated in an interview about bitcoin 合法性 stating, "There would be nothing to stop people in this country deciding to transact in some other currency in a shop if they wanted to. There's no law against that, so we do have competing currencies."[53] Beginning in April 2018, Australian digital currency exchanges must register with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre and implement "know your customer" policies to comply with new anti-money laundering legislation.[54]
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand states: "Non-banks do not need our approval for schemes that involve the storage and/or transfer of value (such as 'bitcoin') – so long as they do not involve the issuance of physical circulating currency (notes and coins)."模板:R


国家或地区 合法性
Yes Legal
Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is a proponent of cryptocurrencies and has even planned to make bitcoin legal tender as soon as 2023.
Yes Legal
The government officially supports the use of blockchain technologies, including cryptocurrencies.[55]
Yes Legal
Legalised in 2021.[56]


国家或地区 合法性
Yes Legal
Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs), which are blockchain-based, are considered legal entities in the Marshall Islands.
Yes Legal
The use of cryptocurrencies is officially supported by the government.[57]


国家或地区 合法性
Yes Legal
The use of cryptocurrencies in Samoa is legal but discouraged by the Central Bank of Samoa.模板:Citation needed
Yes Legal
Tonga plans to make bitcoin legal tender by the end of 2023. This has been planned since late 2021.[58]


  1. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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  11. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  12. "Schweizer Börse kotiert bereits das hundertste Kryptoprodukt" 模板:Webarchive (in German). Tages Anzeiger (Wirtschaft). Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  13. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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  18. Putin Says He Accepts Crypto’s Role in Making Payments 模板:Webarchive, Bloomberg News, 14 October 2021, retrieved 15 October 2021.
  19. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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  28. Ukraine legalizes crypto sector as digital currency donations continue to pour in 模板:Webarchive, 17 March 2022
  29. Ukraine's central bank is banning bitcoin purchases made with the hyrvnia to prevent capital from fleeing the war-ravaged country 模板:Webarchive, 22 April 2022
  30. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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  40. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  41. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  42. Saleha Mohsin (13 December 2013) Bitcoins Fail Currency Test in Scandinavia’s Richest Nation 模板:Webarchive Bloomberg. Retrieved 13 December 2013
  43. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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  53. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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  57. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  58. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。